The FSMP Chairs

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Laureats of the programme

2021 laureates :

Roman Bezrukavnikov, accueilli 4 mois à l'IMJ-PRG ( 3 mois FSMP + 1 mois labo.) Actuellement Professeur au département de mathématique du Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ses recherches portent sur la théorie des représentations et la géométrie algébrique.

Philippe Rigollet, Chaire conjointe FSMP-Inria. Accueilli 6 mois au DI-ENS. Actuellement Professeur au département de Mathématique du Massachusetts Institute of Technology, son travail est à l'intersection des statistiques, de l'apprentissage automoatique et de l'optimisation en se concentrant principalement sur la conception et l'analyse de méthodes statistiques pour des problèmes de grande dimension. Ses recherches récentes portent sur le transport optimal et ses applications à l'analyse et à l'échantillonnage de données géométriques.

Laureats of the previous editions

Click here for more information about all the aureates of the FSMP chairs (Junior, Foundation Research Chair, Foundation's Prize)

Contact information

Please, send an email to : direction - at - fsmp - dot  - fr

The Research Chair allows outstanding foreign scientists to be hosted in one or several laboratories affiliated to the Foundation. Applications in all fields of mathematical sciences are eligible.

Who is eligible to apply ?

Applications to the FSMP Chairs are open to all mathematicians or computer scientists of french or foreign nationality ( Associate Professor, Professor , research director, etc.) The scientists from the Foundation's laboratories cannot apply.

All subjects of pure or applied mathematics and theoretical computer science can be elected.


The duration of the FSMP chair can be from 4 until 12 months maximum. (It can be split into 2 academic years)

Salary and Budget

Each laureate receives a net monthly salary between €4 700 and €6 200 (depending on the candidate profile). 

They are as well given a budget dedicated to scientific activities (workshops, symposium, etc.)

If the the laureates of this program work for a french university or french research institution, the terms of the stay as the FSMP chair will be settled according to the institution of origin.

The laureates will enjoy social cover and health insurance.

Each laureate must give a 20 hours course at a doctoral level. He/She can organise a scientific workshop.


Before submitting:
We strongly recommend that the candidate or his/her referent contact the FSMP management (direction at fsmp dot fr) long enough in advance in order to discuss more precisely his/her project and the specificities of the program.

Application are submited online. the call for academic year 2020-2021 will be open from October 1st until December 10th 2019.

Click here to apply online.

Document to provide during the application process :

- Curriculum vitae (with list of publications)
- Description of the courses
- Letter of application
- Planned research project
- Recommendation letters (Step 4 of the application) : do not forget to mention the e-mail address of the researchers who wish to send recommendation letters.They will receive an automatic email to upload their letter.

Besides the quality of applications, we also expect from applicants to specify :
How their project will contribute, in the host laboratory-ies, to develop a new scientific activity, and with whom they plan to interact with most of the time.