General presentation
The international Doctoral Training in Mathematical Sciences in Paris - MathInParis - Cofunded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions offers 40 PhD fellowships within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program "Marie Sklodowska-Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes".
This project has received funding from the European Uninion's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n°754362
The main features of the program is to enhance the potential and future career perspective of young researchers by offering :
1- an extremely attractive place in FSMP network for international brilliant students planning to prepare a PhD in mathematics
2- a strengthened advising
3- a broadened support for career development
1. Paris is indeed the city with the highest concentration of professional researchers and one of the main nodes of international research with tremendous scientific opportunities both in academic and industrial framework. FSMP is the largest network of mathematical institutions in the world, gathering all thematics in applied and fundamental mathematics as well as theoretical computer science in interaction with other sciences. In this very stimulating inter-disciplinary environment FSMP has a strong partnership with industries and support joint PhD fellows.
2. MathsinParis students follow the doctoral training research, participate to laboratory and thematic seminars following the PhD thesis topic decided with their advisor*, they are followed by a tutor** who has an external vision of the thesis progress and a external advisor*** who organize a mandatory 2/3 months abroad internship. In addition FSMP support various activities as presentation of scientific progress in a « Restitution day » or the participation at least one research school for year.
3. MathInParis Doctoral program structures also a wide range of non research oriented activities as training session for professional insertion with help of Adoc Talent Management and attending specific day as MathInParis Conference (Journée carrière des mathématiques) or Maths Jobs Forum.
The FSMP team guarantees a dedicated assistance for visa issues, housing, health, banking, etc. Furthermore, fellows will be affiliated to the French Social Security during the stay.
MathInParis Doctoral programme granted 40 PhD projects spread over 2 calls in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
Laureates of the program
Click here to know the names of the laureates of the 2018 and 2019 calls.
Contact information
If you have any question, please contact us at : mathinparis - at - fsmp - dot - fr
Non-research oriented and transferable skills
Cofund MathInParis fellows can find information on non-research oriented and transferable skills HERE.
This programme is Co-funded by the European Commission under the programme H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016 Grant agreement 754362
*advisor : the advisor provides the PhD thesis topic. He/She is in charge of the daily monitoring of the student for the scientific progress of the thesis and provides advice for the career development.
** tutor : the tutor is a researcher who may belong to the same university, independent of the advisor. He/She provides as well scientific advice, but his/her main role is to have an external vision of the thesis progress
*** external advisor : the external advisor is a foreign senior researcher in the same field. Its role is to advise the scientific progress of the thesis, and the career development of the student, in particular he/she should arouse the PhD student a 2/3-month internship abroad.