Non-research oriented and transferable skills

Why transferable skills?

Those are actions to better prepare fellows to interact beyond their field and immediate research environment by being open to other scientific disciplines, sensitive to non-academic issues, and involved in actions with the general public.

They can be of two types:

  •  Learning-by-doing project focusing on one of the following topics: mathematics and society, mathematics for development, innovative methods for mathematical communication.
  •  Attending seminars or courses on topics related to the practice of Open Science, to gender issues, or to ethics, and participation in workshops preparing for professional integration and career development.

These trainings  are also complimentary to the training provided by three Institutes of Doctoral Training: Institut de Formation Doctorale, Centre de Formation des Doctorants aux Initiatives Professionnelles and PSL’s Graduate Centre.  Specific training courses attended in the Doctoral School programme will be validated by the Cofund MathInParis programme.

Please find below a list of possible activities

For more information or to suggest new activities do not hesitate to write to MathInParis.

Intersectoral and interdisciplinary training

  • FSMP organizes yearly the Horizon Maths workshop, which brings together mathematicians from the academic world and those from the private sector. Main lectures themes are proposed and discussed between FSMP and the company. They cooperatively agree on the choice of invited lecturers who come from the industrial and academic worlds. They realize cross-exchanges in their fields to create long-lasting relations.
  • Fellows can participate to Challenge Data a machine learning competition for master and doctoral students. Projects are proposed and designed by start-ups and companies, that provide the participants with real-life data, the objective being to face students with real-life tasks for treating data.
  • The Cofund MathInParis partener AMIES organizes the "Semaines d'études Maths-Entreprises". Throught a five-day workshop, mathematicians and industrialists come together to work side by side to solve the real and important problems facing companies today. The principle is as follows: industrial partners (4 per SEME in general) come to present open problems, on which small groups (10 per group in general) of early stage and experienced researchers work together, possibly assisted by senior researchers, then present their solutions/suggestions for solving them.

General public activities

  • FSMP organizes yearly the Horizon Maths workshop, which brings together mathematicians from the academic world and those from the private sector. Main lectures themes are proposed and discussed between FSMP and the company. They cooperatively agree on the choice of invited lecturers who come from the industrial and academic worlds. They realize cross-exchanges in their fields to create long-lasting relations.
  • Fellows can participate to Challenge Data a machine learning competition for master and doctoral students. Projects are proposed and designed by start-ups and companies, that provide the participants with real-life data, the objective being to face students with real-life tasks for treating data.
  • The Cofund MathInParis partener AMIES organizes the "Semaines d'études Maths-Entreprises". Throught a five-day workshop, mathematicians and industrialists come together to work side by side to solve the real and important problems facing companies today. The principle is as follows: industrial partners (4 per SEME in general) come to present open problems, on which small groups (10 per group in general) of early stage and experienced researchers work together, possibly assisted by senior researchers, then present their solutions/suggestions for solving them.

Mathematics for development

  • Fellows can participate in popularization of science for society by taking part of science weeks such as the "Fête de la Science" organized each year by research laboratories in Fall. During that week FSMP co-organizes in particular the speed-meeting "Racconte moi ta thèse": the idea is to have the occasion of sharing passion for research in an original, personal and accessible way to the general public. 
  • Each year in Spring the FSMP is involved in the organization of the "Salon Culture & Jeux Mathématiques", an event which aims at promoting mathematics to the general public. Fellows have the opportunity to attend this fair, but can also be active, organizing mathematical games, running a stand and answering various questions concerning mathematical research. 
  • Each year FSMP organizes "Mathématiques en Mouvement", a  mathematics conference were young mathematicians proposes short presentations, easy to understand for students, dealing with various topics of mathematics in interaction with other areas.
  • Every french middle school student (14 years old, 9th grade) must do a one-week internship in a professional environment. Every year, the FSMP laboratoris host 10 to 20 such students who are interested in mathematics. By being a member of the host team, this would be a unique occasion for fellows to question their motivation, passion, the skills needed to become a mathematician, and to transmit to young people the current challenges of mathematics.
  • Année des mathématiques 2019-2020: you can find a list of activities here.

This kind of activity enters in the general framework of Maths for Development Day organized by UNESCO.

  •  In collaboration with our partner CIMPA, fellows could participate to “CIMPA Schools”, “CIMPA courses” and/or “CIMPA school in partnership” as supporting organizers and/or directly participating to the teaching.
  •  The International Day of Mathematics, is a worldwide celebration. Each year on March 14 all countries will be invited to participate through activities for both students and the general public in schools, museums, libraries and other spaces.