Donation and Sponsorship

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Individual or Company, you can help the Foundation to achieve its action to the mathematics research and the training of our future mathematicians.


Donations and fiscal benefits

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris is a foundation of scientific cooperation created on December 20th 2006 within the context of the Research Program Law no. 2006-450 of April 18th 2006. Hence, the Foundation is a non-profit legal entity subjected to state-approved rules within the conditions fixed by the law no. 87-571 of July 23rd 1987 dealing with sponsorship development. Law no. 2003-709 of August 1st 2003 (J.O of 02/08/03), gives individual or company donator an important tax reduction  (please, read below).


  What is the use of your support?

To promote Mathematics used every day in the Foundation's laboratories.

To finance high-level program in research and training.

- to allow the worldwide elite of mathematicians to take up the biggest scientific challenges
- to attract the best young researchers in our Parisians laboratories network
- to offer scolarships to the best students from abroad so that they can follow their study in Paris

More than 300 researchers and students benefited from the support of the Foundation.

Contact for sponsorship and donation

The Foundation's management is at your disposal to answer your questions or help you for your projects.

Please contact : contact - at -