Towards a model theory of global fields.
Ehud Hrushovsi (Université de Jérusalem) a proposé un 2ème cours en 2016 intitutlé Towards a model theory of global fields de janvier 2016 à avril 2016, à l'Institut Henri PoincaréAgenda des cours :
Résumé du cours
Beyond the sum of the local geometries associated with each place of a field, there is a fascinating global geometry arising from their interaction. As recognized by Artin-Whaples in the discrete setting, this interaction is governed by a simple relation among the places, the product formula. I will describe a model-theoretic framework, developed jointly with Itai Ben Yaacov, able to axiomatize this relation. We will see that an even preliminary model-theoretic investigation leads to deep algebro-geometric structures associated with cones of divisors and curves. This class will concentrate on the purely non-archimedean case; the field $\Cc(t)^{alg}$, with a height function into $\Rr$, is an example. We will show that it is existentially closed. The first half of the class will be an introduction to the required elements of convexity theory and algebraic geometry.
Cours 1 - 13/01/2016
Cours 2 - 20/01/2016
Cours 3 - 27/01/2016
Cours 4 - 03/02/2016
Cours 5- 10/02/2016
Cours 6 - 17/02/2016
Cours 7 - 16/03/2016
Cours 8 - 30/03/2016
Cours 9 - 06/04/2016
Cours 10 - 13/04/2016
Topics in pseudo-finite model theory
Ehud Hrushovski (Université de Jérusalem), lauréat d'une Chaire d'excellence de la FSMP en 2015, propose un cours intitulé Topics in pseudo-finite model theory les mercredis de 10h à 12h, d'octobre à décembre 2015, en salle 314 de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris) :
Agenda des cours :
- 07 Octobre 2015
- 14 Octobre 2015
- 04 Novembre 2015
- 18 Novembre 2015
- 02 Décembre 2015
- 09 Décembre 2015
- 16 Décembre 2015