- The FSMP Chair: allows outstanding foreign scientists to be hosted in one or several laboratories affiliated to the Foundation. Applications in all fields of mathematical sciences are eligible.
- Postdoctoral programs: The Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers 20 post-doctoral positions in mathematics and in computer science.
- Invitations of External Scientists: The Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers a financial support for external scientists (junior/senior professors) to be invited in its affiliated laboratories for a two-to-three month stay. Appointed scientists will also have the opportunity to visit and to work with members of external laboratories.
- Paris Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences (PGSM). It offers master courses scholarships and personalized support to students having studied abroad, selected through a written application process, in order to join the Paris Graduate School of Mathematical Science.
- Scientific stays for pre-doc students. The Fondation Sciences Mahtématique de Paris finances scientific stays for a three-month period maximum in external laboratories (French or from abroad). It is aimed at PhD students who are members of a laboratory affiliated to the foundation.
- Programme de bourses de soutien pour un mémoire de master hors IDF. For students of our network who wish to carry out an internship in France, outside Paris
- Other Programs and Projects: French Researchers participation to the FSMP-IHP Programs, Dim-rdm idf supported bythe ile-de-France Région, Maths C2+ for high school pupils , the instabilities in hydrodynamics program and the Sino-French Research Programs in Mathematics allowing to link French and Chinese mathematicians.
12 Feb
01 Jan
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